Now Protestors Are Pouring Gallons Of Milk On Grocery Store Floors Because Of Animal Rights, Climate Change, Or Whatever The Fuck They Are Mad About Now

Alright, these dickheads have officially gone too far. I can live with people supergluing themselves to Starbucks counters and destroying paintings in art galleries because my common man ass doesn't venture into those places all that often. But once these schmucks start attacking the grocery store, I am going to have a problem.

The grocery store should be a welcoming place full of essentials, your favorite goodies, and lovely light rock hits from the past gently pushing you to get out once you have picked everything up. It can also be an escape for people that spend all day working from home then dealing with kids in the never-ending loop of suburban dad life.  

Dumping out anything in that place of zen is fucked up in any economy. But dumping out milk, IN THIS ECONOMY NO LESS, is a jailable offense. No court appearance or chance to appeal. Your ass goes directly to the slammer like you landed on this space in Monopoly.

Andrew Drysdale. Shutterstock Images.

I don't care if you are trying to fix the climate, demanding humans to stop killing animals, or have some other cause. The high school kid being called to clean up aisle 8 isn't going to fix any of your problems and all the normal people like myself are going to motherfuck you plus everything you stand for because the smell of rotten milk will never escape our grocery store after some of it slipped under the refrigerator. 

Now I know what these greasy hippies are asking. Clem, you big asshole. What should we do to raise awareness for our causes that can make us go viral on social media so idiots like you will cover it? I don't know. But unwarranted attacks at things people love like art, Starbucks, the grocery store, and Dan "Big Cat" Katz are only going to make the general public hate your ass as well as whatever movement you are honking about.

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